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For all the shoppers that want to keep it localCheck KYML before you head outOur focus is on connecting consumers to local businesses by defining first what we consider to be "local” based on a unique set of factors defining our Lokal Standard. We have developed easy to understand criteria that determines a businesses’ local value with a focus on the Local Return of Investment. As a result, our design allows for the inclusion of service providers, retail/product sales, promoting other popular consumer drivers plus providing consumer education and awareness building. |
Let's help keep more money in our communitiesSee how KYML is making a differenceKeep Your Money Local (KYML) Is a new and emerging company aiming to change the future of retail and service delivery to meet modern consumer and business needs. By shifting the awareness and focus back to the everyday consumer, their economic neighborhood, and community, our online digital advertising company will become a symbol to draw consumers and promote the subscribing businesses. |
Make it easy for locals to find your business.Join KYML and enjoy the benefits |
- Boost your web presence
- Improve your local SEO
- Promote your brand & services
- Highlight your products
- Increase your digital reach
- Connect with other businesses